2021. An Update.
Assalammualaikum, Hello and Annyeong.
This greeting is kinda one of my signature since a decade ago. Haha.
2021 already eh?
My last update on this blog was during 2018 if I'm not mistaken.
Masih hidup lagi ke blogspot ni? Hmm...
Alhamdulillah...masih diberikan kesempatan untuk update blog ini. Tbh, lama dah aku nak update. I even planned contents for the update for this blog.
2021. 11 years since I started this blog. I was 13 in 2010...Now dah 20-ishh dah haha.
Aku tengah buat internship untuk habiskan degree. Alhamdulillah.
Namun sejak Mac tahun lepas, Malaysia sedang dilanda pandemik Covid-19. Allahuakbar. Sekarang ni, kes di Malaysia sedang berada dalam keadaan kritikal. Dah lebih dari 6K setiap hari. Allahu.
1 Jun nanti pulak lockdown satu Malaysia. Semoga pelaksanaan lockdown ni bakal menurunkan kes yang semakin naik kini. Aminnn.
To everyone out there, please stay safe and follow SOP that were instructed and given out by the government.
Sekarang ni tak boleh dah nak tuding jari untuk letakkan kesalahan kepada orang lain. Orang kenamaan ke, rakyat marhaen ke semua sama je. If you're not following the rules, takde beza pun kedudukan korang dalam Malaysia ni.
I myself tried to do my best following the SOP and stay at home. Currently in work from home mode as were instructed by boss at the company I am doing internship with.
Semoga kita bakal menang. Cuma harap dapat la cepat turn untuk dapatkan vaksin, just to protect ourselves from this deadly disease. And yes though some cases shown that people who got vaccinated could be infected by Covid, but it does not as severe as not getting vaccinated.
Anti-vaxx people should realize that they are not immune to the deadly disease. May Allah guide them.
Kinda having some emotional feels while writing this. I am scared of this Covid-19 virus. I am away from my family and could not help but pray for Allah to protect my family, friends and myself from the virus. Allahu.
Maybe there will be another update if I have some time to do my writings here.
Signing off,
xoxo Lina.